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  v K6系列秉承欧洲的先进技术,充分研究了操作者的实际需要,即欧洲设备的优劣,充分考虑了中国钣金作业的各种实际情况,本着简单、实用、安全、精确的要求,是框架式校正仪的经典之作。

  v 欧款框架式工作平台,采用冷拔高合金矩管焊拼,平面度高,强度大。举升架由电动液压泵控制,操作方便快捷。

  v 垂直升降平台,可当剪式举升机使用,在252mm-1620mm范围内的多个高度安全定位。

  v 平台底座可收起,四个底轮可灵活移动,车辆固定到平台后,可根据修理需求,将平台与车辆同时整体移动到指定位置,解决修理空间不足、不固定的情况。

  v 专利设计的坡道,上车方便、快捷,亦可用于支撑车轮,更便于事故车维修中主夹具加紧车辆。

  v 独立自由度的拉塔,移动方便灵活,固定牢固快捷,一次固定,多角度拉伸。进口液压系统,动力强劲,寿命长。

  v 钣金工具,经过锻打、整体调制、高频蘸火热处理工艺,强度高、使用寿命长,几乎考虑了任意变形的校正。

  v 专利设计的主夹具钳口,固定牢固,操作快捷,大大提高工作效率。伸缩式轴距坐标测量(PTP)世界最先进的测量方式,无间断点,操作方便。激光雕刻尺身刻度,持久耐用。

  ² European working frame machine, welded with cold high alloy rectangular tubes, full plate and high intensity. Controlled by electronic hydraulic pump, the lifting frame is operated conveniently and quickly.

  ² The vertical lifting frame can be used as a scissor lift, orientated safely at height from 252mm to 1620mm.

  ² Frame basement can be put up, four wheels can be movable. After fixing vehicle to frame, move them together to specified position, which can make up insufficient space and unfixing.

  ² Slops with patient for driving vehicle on quickly and conveniently are widely used for holding wheels, which helps clamp vehicle needed to repair.

  ² The flexible moving pulling tower can be fixed firmly and stretched at varied direction. Imported hydraulic system has strong power and long life.

  ² Forged, modulated and heated by frequency, the metal sheets has high intensity and long life, any deformation correction is considered.

  ² Main clamps are forged and heat-treated,high strength and long life,fix the auto quickly and accurately,also the extension height and angle can be adjustable.Scientific design, firm fixing and quick operation improve working efficiency greatly.

  ² Retractile wheelbase coordinates measuring (PTP), the most advanced measuring system, no interrupted point, operated conveniently, laser carved scale, durable.

主要技术参数         SPECIFICATION    K6
工作台长度 Platform length 4200mm
工作台宽度 Platform width 980mm
工作台高度 Platform height 252-1620mm
拉塔最大推力 Post Max.tension 95KN
动力气源压力 Pneumatic pressure range 0.8Mpa
塔柱工作范围 Post working range 360°
液压系统最大工作压力 The maximum working pressure of hydraulic system 70Mpa(10000Psi)
最大承载 Max.lifting weight 3200Kg
设备总重 Gross weight 1700Kg