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  v 整机设备的动力单元为三路输出电动泵站,平台的升降,两个塔柱的拉伸仅用一个遥控器即可实现各自的独立操作,做到真正的集中控制。一键在手,操控自如。

  v 全封闭三路液压管路,电动控制,不受外部环境影响,并可轻松拆卸、安装,故障率低。

  v 控制柜三个油路与底座上的油缸、平台俩侧俩路分别相连,分别供给2个塔柱独自拉伸,独自液压锁紧,互无影响,替代了传统的螺栓锁紧塔柱。一根气管与保险锁齿上的气缸相连,确保平台上下操作安全。

  v 双缸液压自锁垂直举升平台,具有单面倾斜升降功能,上下车便捷,可根据使用要求,在120mm-320mm-1200mm之间灵活调整平台高度,举升架备有液压和机械自锁双重保险,更安全。

  v 五排平板方孔工作平台,整体台面经大型数控切割一次成型,平面度高,强度大,固定无盲区,拉伸更快捷。

  v 牵引拉塔可沿工作平台轨道作360°旋转,独特的滚轮转动机构,使拉塔的移动更平稳、更灵活。

  v 通用虎式大梁主夹具,可对有裙边的轿车系列及皮卡车、越野车的大梁进行快速夹紧固定。

  v 伸缩式轴距坐标测量(PTP)世界最先进的测量方式,无间断点,操作方便。激光雕刻尺身刻度,经久耐用。

  Ø Four outputs oil system makes lifting, unlocking, dropping and locking possible through a key. Full automation, technological innovation, humanized design, practical working philosophy. Remote control: A key in hand, manipulate freely.

  Ø Double cylinder self-locking hydraulic parallel lifting platform,with tilt lifting function,convenient for car to drive on and off. The height is adjustable among 120mm-320mm-1200mm according to the repairing need.The lifting device with double safety of hydraulic and mechanical self locking,more secure.

  Ø Control box’s four oil lines are connected with oil cylinder of the basement and two oil lines of the platform respectively,it makes the two pulling towers pull and hydraulic lock separately, no influence each other, instead of the traditional tower bolt locking.A gas pipe is connect with the air cylinder of the safety lock teeth, ensuring the security of the platform up and down operation.

  Ø The three pulling towers can work along the track for 360° rotation, operated more convenient. The pulling towers pull strong each other and highly active.

  Ø The universal patented design main clamps.It can rapidly clamp various auto models which with auto-skirt and pick-up,SUV etc.

  Ø Retractable wheelbase PTP measuring system of the world's most advanced, seamless breakpoint, convenient operation.The scale is carved by laser,durable

主要技术参数  SPECIFICATION              M8E集中控制
工作台长度 Platform length 5600mm
工作台宽度 Platform width 2300mm
工作台高度 Platform height 120mm-320mm-1200mm
拉塔最大推力 Post Max.tension 95KN
动力电源 Voltage 3-380V±5%
塔柱工作范围 Post working range 360°
最大承载 Max.lifting weight 3500Kg